Lets play with NUMBERS!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This is the number given and we have to chose randomly and see which one will be the most odd combination and create a sentence based on the random word that we have selected.

So i chose 27, 18, 81. such a nice combination actually and let see what word will be created base on the number i have picked.

27 = Lighting Tree

18= Flower wood

81= Oil water

hmm.. lets see what sentence can I created from this word.

27 - There is a Lighting on that Tree

18 - That Flower is made out of Wood

81 - Oil float on top of Water

Combination of 2 & 7

Combination of 1 & 8

Combination of 8 & 1

From all these pictures I can actually see that there's an ART of it and is actually unique which is represented by their own physical features.

The most unique part of an ART is that, there is NO ONE single definition to it.


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